The Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition is again leading a series of winter hikes in the Lake Sunapee region. The hikes are open to the public free of charge, and offer a variety of terrain and conditions. The hike schedule (listed below) includes snowshoe and cross-country ski events and a moonlight snowshoe outing over a forgiving three-mile course.
A snowshoe tour through Webb Woods in Sunapee on January 15 will kick off the 2011 hike schedule.
Hikes range from easy to difficult.
Hike leaders will offer full details for each event, including starting place and time and equipment needs. There is no cost to participants, except for personal food, equipment, and transportation to the hike site.
Since winter hikes require special attention to physical conditioning, weather and snow conditions, participants are encouraged to evaluate their capabilities carefully before joining any group.
Read more and the Winter schedule at
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