2012 Winter Hikes in the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway
The SRK Greenway Coalition's eight winter hikes begin on Jan
14th; All hikes are free to the public; For SRKGC info see: www.srkg.com. Please call the volunteer hike leader at least the night before to learn
starting location and time. Winter conditions require ample clothing layers,
food, and water; Normally snowshoes are the presumed mode of transport, but
this year be especially prepared for ice;
Feb 4, Sat: Snowshoe over winter trails in Wilmot's Patterson Road
area; Refreshments afterward; 3 miles; Brian Faughnan (526-7838)
27th NEHSA Annual Ski/Ride-A-Thon
At Mount Sunapee, 8 am registration begins; $75 in pledges
to get lift ticket, snack bag and BBQ lunch; Sponsored by the New England
Handicapped Sports
Association; Info: 763-9158; email: info@nehsa.org or
Moonlight Guided Ski Tour
7:00PM - 8:30PM
At Pine Hill XC Ski Area, 220 Mt Rd , New London ;
Free for members; $15 for non-members; Must pay by Feb 19, 2012; Bring
headlamp; Info and to check conditions: www.pinehillskiclub.com or
2012 Newport
Winter Carnival
Date: 2/5/2012-2/12/2012
Festivities begin at 10 am with the torch-lighting ceremony
at the Little Common; 10:15 am: Scavenger Hunt, meet at the gazebo; 11 am:
Snowshoe 3K run/walk, Newport Golf Course; 1 pm: Snowman Contest (a world
record attempt) at the Newport HS; festival continues throughout the week.
2012 Winter Hikes in the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway
The SRK Greenway Coalition's eight winter hikes begin on Jan
14th; All hikes are free to the public; For SRKGC info see: www.srkg.com. Please call the volunteer hike leader at least the night before to learn
starting location and time. Winter conditions require ample clothing layers,
food, and water; Normally snowshoes are the presumed mode of transport, but
this year be especially prepared for ice;
Feb 18, Sat: Looking for wildlife while walking from NH 4A
to Wilmot Center
(SRKGC trail 7) and climbing over Bog Mountain 's ledges to Wilmot Center ,
4.6 miles; Nick Baer (526-8233)
Snowshoe/Hike on the Cline Property/Ausbon Sargent
1:00PM - 4:00PM
Join Don and Lorraine Cline for a tour of their 33-acre
Conservation Easement in Andover .
RSVP to Nancy Smith at 526-6555 or email aslptnancy@tds.net and we will provide
detailed parking info.