Friday, July 27, 2012

August Events of Interest around the Region

Now-October 8, open during Main House hours
Return of The Rough Rider: Celebrating President Theodore Roosevelt's 1902 Campaign Visit to The Fells
In recognition of the 110th anniversary of President Theodore Roosevelt's 1902 campaign visit to the summer estate of John Milton Hay, and in conjunction with the 2012 Presidential Election, this historical exhibit chronicles the "Rough Rider's" exploits and accomplishments. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission. Main House Exhibit Room.

Now-Monday, October 8
Art in Nature: Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit at the Fells
This exciting outdoor exhibit features the artistry of local and regional sculptors, including works of all manner, shape and size displayed amid the grand gardens of The Fells and tucked into the magical nooks and crannies of woods and fields. Janet Miller Haines, Curator. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission.

Now-Monday, October 8
The Art of Conservation
This unique exhibit transforms The Fells Main House Gallery into a celebration of the fauna, flora and landscapes of our National Parks through a display of striking paintings by a renowned wildlife artist; sculptures; animal mounts; and an interactive children's section. In collaboration with the Center for the Arts. Main House Gallery. Members free, non-members pay site admission.

August 4
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge-Greenway Hike
8:00AM - 2:00PM
Three towns, one ski area, two summits, a 19' glacial erratic boulder, many excellent views, and an impressive variety of forest types will be among your rewards for joining this hike on the SRKG's Trail 9 on Ragged Mountain. The hike is rated difficult because of its 6.1 mile length and 1400' of ascent. We'll meet in Andover at the Proctor Academy Field House parking lot at 8 AM and carpool to the trailhead on New Canada Road in Wilmot. Estimated time on the trail is 6 hours. Bring food and at least one liter of water. Contact:Lee Carvalho 735-5719

August 4 and August 5
New London Hospital: 2012 Hospital Days
Enjoy activities such as a great pancake breakfast, the plant sale, bake sale, inflatables on the Green, Fire Dept. Open House, parade, live music, spaghetti supper and really so much more!  For a full listing of activies and agenda, check out their link at

August 4
Art in Nature: Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit at The Fells
10:00AM - 4:00PM
This exciting outdoor exhibit features the artistry of local and regional sculptors, including works of all manner, shape and size displayed amid the grand gardens of The Fells and tucked into the magical nooks and crannies of woods and fields. Janet Miller Haines, Curator. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission. At The Fells, 456 Rte 103A, Newbury; Info: 763-4789 x 3

August 4-12
League of NH Craftmen: 79th Annual Craftsmen's Fair
August 4-12, 2012 10:00 am - 5:00 pm daily (rain or shine!)
The Annual League of NH Craftsmen's Fair is a nine-day event that showcases the work of more than 350 craftspeople's items made by hand - HERE. It's the place to see an incredible variety of beautiful, one-of-a-kind craft items that are functional, decorative, and built to last. The fair is held at the Mount Sunapee Resort in the beautiful Dartmouth/Sunapee region of New Hampshire.

August 11
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge-Greenway Hike
Cook Trail to Pleasant Lake High Trail to Langenau Trail in New London and Wilmot. 3 mi. (M) Contact: Brian Faughnan 526-7838
Rock Bass Marathon
12:00PM - 1:00PM
The Pleasant Lake Rock Bass Marathon begins June 1st and continues until August 11th! Children under 16 (no fishing license required) can start turning your Rock Bass in at the boat launch for entry in the marathon. Entry Forms are available there as well; Please fish with lead-free tackle as lead in the lake is 1005 fatal to loons; Fabulous prizes will be awarded on August 11th so START FISHING! Bring your final entries to Elkins Dam at noon;

August 18
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge-Greenway Hike
SRKG Tr#1: From the northern corner of Goshen over Mt Sunapee, White Cliffs, by Lake Solitude to Newbury Harbor. 5.4 mi. (D) Contact: Gerry Gold 603-526-2857

August 18
Summer Music Associates: Max Lifchitz--pianist
7:30PM - 9:30PM
Active as pianist, conductor and composer, Max Lifchitz is described by the American Record Guide magazine as a consummate musician & of America's finest exponents of contemporary piano music Mr. Lifchitz has released 9 highly praised compact disc albums featuring piano music by composers from the Americas and appears as collaborative artist or conductor on many more. A graduate of The Juilliard School and Harvard University, Mr. Lifchitz has appeared as soloist and recitalist throughout the US, Europe and Latin America and won first prize in the 1976 International Gaudeamus Competition for Performers of Twentieth Century Music held in Holland. At the First Baptist Church, 461 Main St, New London; Ticket and program information is available at

August 18
Hay Day Family Festival at the Fells
Enjoy a fun-filled day for all ages with face painting, petting zoo, Animals of New England program (live animals!), old-fashioned games, live music, children's art projects, scavenger hunt and delicious food. Also explore our nature trails, Fairy Village and outdoor sculpture exhibit; and take a historic guided tour of the Main House and gardens. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission.

August 22-24
Landscape Painting at the Fells
Enjoy the beauty of the gardens and architecture of The Fells in a plein air workshop taught by Aline Ordman, award winning signature member of the Pastel Society of America. Aline, a teacher of over 20 years, concentrates on understanding color through exploration of values and shapes created by the play of light in nature. Students benefit from Aline's hands-on style and one-on-one and group critiques. Work is in either pastels or oils with demonstrations in each provided daily. Aline exhibits in various galleries throughout the northeast and has a website for viewing at Members $200, nonmembers $225. Advance registration required by August 15. To register call 603-763-4789 x 3. Meets at The Fells Main House.

August 25-26
Musterfield Farm, Farm Days

The museum's largest event of the year, a two-day celebration of all things agricultural, historical, and farm-related. This event features special exhibits and demonstrations positioned over the farm’s large fields and in its historic buildings.

See haying and threshing, hand hewing of timbers, stonewall building and stone splitting, rope making, blacksmithing, and other farm-related skills. Craft demonstrations include spinning, weaving on antique looms, flax processing and spinning, felting, natural dyeing, lace making, and much more.

Children can make and enjoy homemade ice cream, using ice cut by hand during the Farm’s annual Ice Harvest event, held at nearby Kezar Lake each January.

Displays of the Farm’s many artifacts will be featured in the Ezekiel Little, Hildredth, and Hardy-Pillsbury Barns, a reminder of farm work and life from days past. Oxen and smaller animals will be on display. Antique trucks, cars and tractors are on parade at 3 p.m. each day, and work-saving antique small engines are exhibited. An assortment of food, jellies, jams, and vegetables are available at the Farm Stand, and wonderful food is served throughout the day. And don’t miss Muster Field's famous Roast Beef Supper on Saturday from 5-7 p.m.! Tickets for the supper are required: $10 for adults and $5 for children, available by reservation (927-4047), or at the Farm Days Information Booth.

Farm Days hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Admission is free for members, and for all children 6 and under; $5 for non-members.

August 26
President Theodore Roosevelt Returns to The Fells
Mark the 2012 election year by celebrating the 110th anniversary of President Theodore Roosevelt's 1902 campaign visit to The Fells. Joe Wiegand, world-renowned Teddy Roosevelt reprisor, presents the consummate "Rough Rider" through a one-man theater show of adventure stories, personal exploits, political insights and humor. Discuss politics with Teddy during a special cocktail reception and enjoy a wonderful dinner--fit for a president! $60 per person. Reservations required by August 20. Reserve on-line by clicking HERE or call 603-763-4789 x3.